In the family setting, we learn early how to ask for something. Asking God for what we seek is a very important part of our relationship with Him—how do we ask?
Yesterday, Today, and Forever
Even though the Bible clearly proves that Jesus Christ is the God of the Old Testament, most nominal Christians today have no idea. However, this fact has great personal meaning to us, in that the same One who performed the miracles recorded in the Bible lives within us today through His Holy Spirit.
Covid – A Precursor of Future Events?
We have seen what great havoc was caused by Covid- and this was just a foretaste of what is to come during the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord.
The Coming End of the World
Does the Bible really describe the coming end of the world? And if so, how and why would this happen? What would be the consequences? Would humanity’s depraved lifestyle have anything to do with it? And wouldn’t there be a way out and survival for anyone? If so, who would be protected from destruction?
Choose the Path
In the book of Jeremiah, we are told to stand at the crossroads of our lives, and we are to choose paths. How can we ensure that we are taking the proper paths that God wants us to?
Godlessness and Perversion in Our End-Time Society!
How does the Bible describe people living in the end times today? How do they think and act? What is their attitude and motivation? Why will there be a near-total annihilation of the human race—nuclear world wars that will threaten the survival of humanity like never before? Could ungodliness, indifference, self-importance, mockery, and other terrible sins in their many forms have something to do with it? The Bible shows exactly what people are like TODAY and how corrupt and spiritually sick and perverted our society is.
Hypocrisy—Comments on News and Prophecy, August 24, 2024
A Daily Diet of Truth
Most of us watch the daily news on television, hear it on the radio, read it in newspapers and other publications, or more likely for the younger generation, on social media. But that is not where we learn about the Way of Life to which we have been called. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 we read that where our focus should be for our daily diet of truth: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
All Things New
Becoming a Christian dramatically changes the outlook on life. Coming to conversion transforms our understanding of the world we live in, our own lives, and the nature of existence itself! How can we develop and maintain a perspective that encourages us to appreciate the newness of life that God has in store?
The Bible records actions and activities that have been or are destined to be completed. It is important for us to understand that God will fulfill all that He has planned. Will we be among those who keep the faith until the end—who finish our calling to salvation?