This Week in the News

We begin focusing on Great Britain’s fight with radical Islamists and terrorists, as well as militant atheists, followed by an article claiming that the US betrayed Britain by secretly divulging confidential information to Russia, and continue with a report, setting forth increasing persecution in Europe of Christian values. Staying in Europe, we concentrate on Germany’s leadership role within the EU, the beginning of greater integration of the Euro-Zone, Spain’s fight for its economic survival, and a proposed merger between German and the American institutions to become the world’s largest exchanges operator.

Turning to the Middle East, we are quoting several articles and interviews to shed light on the real origins and frightening goals of the Muslim Brotherhood, and caution those who want to rush “Egyptian democracy.” We conclude with articles on the situation in Jordan and Iran.

For more information on the developments in the Middle East, please make sure to view our StandingWatch programs,  “The Future of the Middle East,” and “Egypt in Prophecy.” You are also encouraged to watch Norbert Link’s recent video-taped 30-minutes lecture, “The Future of Egypt.”

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