Our Great Depression and Healthcare Debacle

Alarmed financial experts are telling us that we are entering another Great Depression–or that we are already in it — while outrageous and costly provisions within the new healthcare law come to light. Why are we experiencing such an unparalleled economic disaster?

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Babylon and the Mark of the Beast

What is Mystery, Babylon the Great–the fallen woman riding a scarlet-colored beast with seven heads and ten horns? Is it America or Islam? What is the mark of the beast which one must have to be able to buy or sell? Is it an electronic chip? Most people are totally confused when it comes to the biblical meaning of these concepts.

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America–Wake Up or Perish!

Problems without solutions… war in Afghanistan; leaking oil in the Gulf of about 2.5 million gallons a day; almost 10 percent unemployment nationwide; sales of new homes drop to lowest level in four decades; rising government indebtedness; and dismantling of America’s family values and democratic system… the list is endless. WHY? Why is it that virtually no politician, no newscaster and no religious commentator is pointing at the only solution for our nation?

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Current Catastrophes and Bible Prophecy

Are we close to Christ’s Second Coming? The Examiner, in reporting about the Gulf Oil Spill, wrote: “… we have never experienced anything like this before.” The Associated Press said: “In Revelations, it says the water will turn to blood. That’s what it looks like out here [in Florida]…” Nasa warns of a Space Storm in 2013, saying it could cause twenty times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina. And the Independent says that the next asteroid slamming into Earth could end it all, stating that “it could happen any time.” HOW NEAR IS CHRIST’S RETURN?

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The Horror of “Artificial Life”

Two American scientists claim that they created artificial life with no ancestor. But the new biological science has the potential to do great harm. And what about animal cross-breeding, cloning, human-animal hybrids, nanobots and self-replicating robots? What does the Bible have to say about man’s desire to “play God”?

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The Lies About Europe

Will the euro fail? Will the euro zone collapse? Will the EU fall apart? The answer to all of these questions is, No! How can we be so sure? Listen to this program, and you will know!

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Britain and US in Trouble!

The Times wrote on May 6–Britain’s “Election Day”–that Britain is “not going forward,” but it “may go back.” So is the USA, and the parallels are staggering. Is tragedy awaiting us? Will we face Greece-like economic turmoil and civil unrest–and even nuclear devastation? Experts tell us, “it is more likely than not to occur within the next several years”; it will come as “a compete surprise”; and we will be “grossly unprepared” to handle it!

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Is the Euro Doomed?

In light of the ongoing crisis pertaining to Greece, some have proclaimed that the eurozone will fall apart and the euro will be abolished. It has even been suggested that European core nations will create their own currency. However, economic, political and spiritual reasons show that none of this will happen.

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Soon–All Nations Against Jerusalem?

Will the Jews begin soon to offer sacrifices and build a third temple on the Temple Mount? Is former New York mayor and Democrat Ed Koch correct when he warns that it is President Obama’s policy to create an alliance with Arab states against Israel? And what is behind Muammar al Gaddafi’s concept of a new bi-national state, called “Isratine,” and Egypt’s attempts to rally U.N. support against Israel?

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