Now–A Change for the US?

The midterm elections resulted in a no-confidence vote for President Obama and the Democrats, but they were not a confidence vote for the Republicans, either. The big loser seemed to have been Washington. Will the US recover from its decline, or is the American Dream over? At the same time, Germany is emerging as Europe’s leader, and the EU needs, but fears, German pre-eminence. Still, the Economist feels that Germany will “shape Europe, and therefore the world.”

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War Between Europe and the USA!

The Bible prophesies that we will soon experience a war between continental Europe and the USA, and this time, the USA is predestined to lose that war. Anti-Americanism in Europe is on the rise, which is in part due to America’s highly unpopular wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Most importantly, as this program shows, “Europe and the United States are much farther apart than many Europeans think. The US is different, completely and utterly different” (Der Spiegel, “Obama’s Lost Magic,” October 19, 2010).

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How Germans Really Feel

What impressions do many Germans have about America and the September 11 attack? How do they feel about Islam and Judaism? On his recent trip to Germany, our moderator explored these and other questions. The answers might surprise and shock you, but they are in line with biblical prophecy.

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Why Atheists Are Wrong

In his new book, “The Grand Design,” Stephen Hawking claims that God did not create the universe, but that the universe created itself from nothing. How scientific is that concept? The world’s most notorious atheist, Antony Flew, converted to a belief in God’s creation of the universe, based on the scientific evidence. He claims that a contrary “faith” is “senseless.” The Bible agrees with him.

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Bible Prophecy and World Events

Will there be another war in the Middle East? Will Israel attack Iran? Will the USA get involved? Did the USA win in Iraq? Will the USA win in Afghanistan? Will the USA solve its economic problems? Will Jesus Christ return in our time? Can we know the year of His return? What does the Bible say about these and other questions?

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Germany Is Back–Why Now?

Germany is called “Europe’s growth locomotive” and is experiencing a “little job miracle.” The New York Times speaks of “core Europe, led by Germany.” Der Spiegel recalls the “miracle” of Germany’s postwar reconstruction. At the same time, the U.S. economy looks bleak, and the U.S. government has spent so far in fiscal 2010 “$1.169 trillion more than it made.” “Analysts” are surprised about these events, but we need not be. God is working out His plan, as He has set it forth in His Word, the Bible.

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US Leadership–Out of Touch With Reality

The Financial Times wrote on July 28 that “the public image of the president” is one “who is out of touch with the grim reality on the ground.” Other reports agree, focusing on issues such as Obamacare”; the Gulf of Mexico oil spill; the Afghan war; and Michelle Obama’s costly “vacationing” in Spain. But are our political leaders the only ones who are out of touch with reality?

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Why America’s Loss of Worldwide Influence?

Wars and rumors of wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Lebanon… Arab nations don’t care whether America approves of their conduct… Does the Bible tell us why other nations disregard America’s lead, and why the American and British Empires are in decline? Who ARE the American and British peoples in biblical prophecy? And what IS prophesied for their immediate future?

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Watch Europe!

Germany is once again Europe’s “economic motor”–the “number one.” Why? German business confidence reached its highest monthly gain since German reunification 20 years ago. Why? The confidence in the euro has been restored. Why? Most German economic giants flee Wall Street. Why? Could it be that a little-known prophecy in the book of Habakkuk holds a key as to “why”?

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Our Economic Demise–Why?

The economic downfall of Great Britain and the USA is inevitable, and the Bible has long ago prophesied that it would occur. Why is this going to happen, and what are the spiritual reasons for it?

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