God’s Control of the Weather

This sermon shows the difference between today’s weather conditions, which are oftentimes catastrophic, and the weather conditions in the future, when God rules on earth. Bad weather conditions can be the direct result of God’s punishment for sin, while good weather can be the direct consequence of God’s blessing for right conduct. We will also address the political situation around the world, following Mr. Trump’s election as President; his “no-win”- position; and “Europe’s perfect storm,” leading to unparalleled terrible world conditions, as a result of sin.

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In God’s Hands

Are our lives in God’s hands?  Are the trials that we experience part of God’s purpose?  Does God have a hand in world affairs and the leadership, and does He control what the fate of this nation and the rest of the world will be? How can we be spared from the devastation that will soon take place?


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No More Separation

Christ came to reconcile us with God the Father; to break down the wall of separation between God and us; to make us one with God. But Christ did not die for us alone. He is the Savior of all of mankind. The Day of Atonement reminds us of the fact that the world is not lost; that Christ came to reconcile the world to God the Father.

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God’s Holy Days According to the Spirit

The weekly Sabbath and the annual Holy Days are still to be observed today by true Christians, but they do so according to the Spirit, without applying the letter about sacrifices, washings and Jewish traditions. The shadow of temporary rituals is of symbolic significance for us today.

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Increased Demonism in the USA

Exorcisms, demonism and paganism are on the rise in the USA, and most are totally unaware of this disturbing fact. Many engage in Satanic activities, without realizing the dangers. The Telegraph published an article on September 26, 2016, reporting on these frightening developments in the USA. At the same time, Roman Catholic “exorcists” engage in equally objectionable conduct, based on wrong doctrines, ideologies and mysticism. This program shows you the deception and explains the biblical truth.

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Fight Our Fears

There are many different types of fear that people all over the world suffer from. Do we have a fear and is there anything that we fear in particular? Do we fear God and how do we fear Him? There are examples in the Bible of those who had fear but how were they able to overcome it?

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Opposites Don’t Attract

Because of ignorance and uncertainty, thinking that “the law” has been done away with, we have what we have today: people doing as they please, keeping holidays which are not from God, abusing their bodies in ways which are shameful in God’s eyes, giving into sin and deceit, and forsaking God’s specific commands on how to live a Godly life.  What does the Bible actually say when it comes to “the law” and in what way are we to do the opposite from what the world in general justifies in their own eyes?

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It’s the Truth

In our world—this year, this month, this week, this day, right now—TRUTH has fallen, it has failed! This must not happen for Christians!

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Other People

In our world of violent extremism, other people don’t seem to matter! However, we must reject this approach, because Christians are people who love other people!

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Satan’s Attack in Orlando

The demonical terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, must be strongly condemned by every true Christian. At the same time, we must be careful that we do not fall into Satan’s trap who may induce us, due to our justified sympathy for the many victims, to support the entire homosexual lifestyle. In addition, evidence is building that the jihadist was himself gay or had “gay tendencies”– a development which the left-liberal press would like to suppress. Our free booklet, “Punishment for Our Sins,” makes clear that God will punish severely the senseless acts or terrorists and mass murderers.

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