What Satan CANNOT Do!

Satan and his demons rule with great power on this earth, but Christians don’t have to be afraid of them, as long as they take the necessary precautions. In this sermon, we will show what the Devil and his demons are UNABLE to do, and this should give us great confidence.

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Clean and Unclean

What sets us apart from those who are of this world and have not been called yet?  How are we to live clean in an unclean world?

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All the World Is Guilty!

The world is blind and deceived. Sin and unrighteousness are prevalent. But why is this the case? Are the people of this world innocent and helpless victims who don’t know any better? Why then does God say that the entire world is guilty in His eyes?

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The Man of Sin in the Temple of God

Jews will build a Third Temple on the Temple Mount, and this will cause unparalleled turmoil in the Middle East. Already today, Muslims are asked to “save” parts of the Temple Mount by building on the site, and Israel is charged with plans to build a synagogue and to open the “Gate of Mercy” on the eastern side of the Temple Mount. Expectations for the arrival of a red heifer in 2018 are high, which orthodox Jews maintain is necessary to purify the area and permit animal sacrifices and the building of a Temple. The world is already condemning Israel for its occupation of the West Bank, including Hebron, and it cannot rely on any help from the USA. Soon, European armies will occupy Israel, and the man of sin will sit in the Third Temple in Jerusalem, claiming to be God.

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Strangers in the Night

According to the Bible, true Christians are strangers and pilgrims in the darkness of this world. But while they are in the world, they are not to be of this world and of the night. Rather, they are to be lights shining in the darkness. What practical consequence should that have for us?

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Under Satan’s Rule

Terrorist attacks by crazy suicide bombers; the utter deterioration of the relationship between USA and Europe; Europe’s preparation to create a powerful army; violence in the Middle East; ongoing threats from North Korea; apparitions of the “Virgin Mary”; ridiculous laws; complete misrepresentations of the biblical truth; and many other developments show us Satan’s handiwork. The White House is viewed as one the most haunted homes in America, with leading politicians having been involved in séances or communications with ghosts. This is Satan’s world, and he is anxious to bring about the Great Tribulation.

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Is Now the Day of Salvation?

We read in 2 Corinthians 6:2 that now is the accepted time and the day of salvation. Does this mean that salvation is offered today to everyone? If so, then most of humanity would be lost. But how can one come to God in a world which is ruled by Satan and his demons? And can the overwhelming majority of mankind even believe in God and His salvation at this time? What does 2 Corinthians 6:2 really mean?

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Wrestling Sin

The Bible says that we all sin and at times it can be a constant struggle, as we try to overcome. What can we learn from the examples in the Bible about those who continuously wrestled with sin?

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Meet the Real Stephen Bannon

Is Stephen Bannon really the second most powerful man in Washington? If so, who is Mr. Bannon? Why are many concerned? This program will quote some of his most controversial statements, as reported in the American, British and Israeli press.  And it encourages you to look at the facts objectively, in the light of biblical prophecy.

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Not Because of Our Own Strength

Many try desperately to solve their problems, based on their own strength. This will never work. It is God who must fight for us and strengthen us. But how does that happen, and what mistakes can we still make, even if we recognize our own weakness and our dependency from God?

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