
Sermon Archives

The Coming End of the World

Norbert Link | September 7, 2024

Does the Bible really describe the coming end of the world? And if so, how and why would this happen? What would be the consequences? Would humanity’s depraved lifestyle have anything to do with it? And wouldn’t there be a way out and survival for anyone? If so, who would be protected from destruction?

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Choose the Path

Kalon Mitchell | August 31, 2024

In the book of Jeremiah, we are told to stand at the crossroads of our lives, and we are to choose paths. How can we ensure that we are taking the proper paths that God wants us to?

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Godlessness and Perversion in Our End-Time Society!

Norbert Link | August 31, 2024

How does the Bible describe people living in the end times today? How do they think and act? What is their attitude and motivation? Why will there be a near-total annihilation of the human race—nuclear world wars that will threaten the survival of humanity like never before? Could ungodliness, indifference, self-importance, mockery, and other terrible sins in their many forms have something to do with it? The Bible shows exactly what people are like TODAY and how corrupt and spiritually sick and perverted our society is.

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A Daily Diet of Truth

Brian Gale (United Kingdom) | August 24, 2024

Most of us watch the daily news on television, hear it on the radio, read it in newspapers and other publications, or more likely for the younger generation, on social media.   But that is not where we learn about the Way of Life to which we have been called.   In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 we read that where our focus should be for our daily diet of truth: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

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All Things New

Eric Rank | August 17, 2024

Becoming a Christian dramatically changes the outlook on life. Coming to conversion transforms our understanding of the world we live in, our own lives, and the nature of existence itself! How can we develop and maintain a perspective that encourages us to appreciate the newness of life that God has in store? 

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Dave Harris | August 17, 2024

The Bible records actions and activities that have been or are destined to be completed. It is important for us to understand that God will fulfill all that He has planned. Will we be among those who keep the faith until the end—who finish our calling to salvation?

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Are You Really Free?

Eric Rank | August 10, 2024

Freedom is a virtue valued by people and many governments around the world. Yet finding the true freedom ordained by God evades most people today. How can we find true freedom in our lives?

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Seeking Joy Through Faith

Frank Bruno | August 10, 2024

There is much evil in this world that we must be mindful of and observe prophetic events that God has identified through the pages of the bible. Still, it can become increasingly difficult to remain focused on living the lives God has blessed us with and being productive. In this Split Sermon we will consider God’s Word and His intentions for us to serve and glorify Him through our faith and a joyful spirit.

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Why Will God Soon Plague Mankind?

Norbert Link | August 3, 2024

A terrible time full of plagues is prophesied for this world. It is called the Day of the Lord in the Bible—a period of time that reveals God’s wrath towards humanity. But why are both the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ, so angry that they will pour out terrible plagues on the people of the end times?  And how can that be when God is personified love? What is the ultimate purpose of the plagues of God on the Day of the Lord?

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Comfortable With the Uncomfortable

Michael Link | August 3, 2024

God’s laws are considered “uncomfortable” for everyone who doesn’t want to obey Him. But if we obey God and keep ALL His commandments and know what God promises to all those who believe and are diligent, then this is how we can be “comfortable.”

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Rene Messier (Canada) | July 27, 2024

This sermon looks at biblical examples of the practical use of the word SEEK.  Some examples show immediate positive outcomes, some long-term positive outcomes, while others do not reflect such immediate or long-term positive outcomes.

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The Cruel God of the Old Testament?

Norbert Link | July 27, 2024

Many believe that God the Father is cruel and harsh, but Jesus Christ is the merciful and the loving Son of God who must intrigue the Father on our behalf so that He is less angry with us. This belief is based on the idea that the Father was the angry God of the Old Testament who did terrible things to the people, while Christ, the innocent Lamb, is our loving Mediator to beg the Father to show love to us. Why are these ideas totally wrong? And what DOES the Bible say about God’s love and punishment?

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Eric Rank | July 20, 2024

Compassion is a product of Christian love. It begins with empathy for others’ circumstances in life. When combined with care, concern, and a willingness to help, compassion bears the fruit of love. What can we learn about compassion from the example of Jesus Christ and instruction in the Bible?

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Will an Aborted Child Live Again?

Dave Harris | July 20, 2024

Few understand what the Bible so clearly reveals—all people will die, and all people will live again! Even the unborn will be brought back to life to appear before God!

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We Are God’s Workers

Eric Rank | July 13, 2024

Being a Christian involves work. What kind of work are we obligated to do as fruitful laborers in eyes of God? What does it mean to be productive in our work?

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Never Let Go

Frank Bruno | July 13, 2024

As a child learning to take those first few steps, or as a parent helping our kids do that, we appreciate the clutch of those tiny fingers on ours as the young ones take their halting first steps. There is a certainty and security that we know the child relies on. They have faith that their parent will be there to protect them. It is visceral and without question. We know that a true Christian should have that same absolute confidence in his or her relationship with the Father. If we rely on Him, He is there to protect us, guide us, and lead us in growing in our faith. In this Sermonette, we will cover several Scriptures and examples that illustrate this bond that we who are called have with our Creator.

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Biden’s Decline and Trump’s Provocations—Comments on News and Prophecy, July 6, 2024

Norbert Link | July 6, 2024

Many say that Biden must go, due to his perceived mental decline, but he does not want to quit his 2024 bid, unless “the Lord Almighty” comes out to tell him. But realistically, who could replace Biden so late in the game? There seem to be no good choices for the Democrats. On the other hand, Europe’s fear of “Trump’s second coming” is growing. And Trump does not help to alleviate those fears—his posts and comments seem to just accomplish the opposite. Some, like Ivanka Trump and Michelle Obama, say that they want to distance themselves from politics. What do they see that others don’t?

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Before You And Behind You

Kalon Mitchell | July 6, 2024

It can be hard as a Christian to always keep in mind that we are God’s childrenespeciallywhen we face various trials and tests. When we stop to contemplate just what God does for us, we can see that He truly is there for us in all aspects of our livesno matter what we will face. How much confidence do we put in God being there for us? 

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