Obama’s Secret Agenda for Gays and the Economy

The mainstream media is trying to tell us that our economy is on its way to recovery and that the banking crisis is over. The portrayal of this rosy picture is irresponsible and factually wrong. A most influential political, financial and industrial organization expects either “a prolonged and agonizing depression,” or “an intense-but-shorter depression.” Why is the mainstream media not reporting what our leaders REALLY believe? Gay activists state that President Obama “has a plan.” What is this plan? More importantly, is there a plan in the spirit world which directs the affairs of man?

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The Swine Flu–What They Don’t Tell You!

Where exactly did the swine flu start, and why? Is it really safe to eat pork? If so, why do Russia, South Korea and Serbia prohibit the import of pork from the USA and Mexico, and why do Egypt, Jordan and Iraq slaughter their pigs? How does the swine flu pandemic affect the US economy? And how is the US doing in combating the virus of an ever-increasing recession?

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Torture, Poverty, Unemployment and the American Dream

The declassification of CIA memos pertaining to torture, as well as bad news regarding the constant deterioration of the U.S. economy, have done nothing to restore confidence in the American leadership. The euphoria over the country’s first black president has ebbed considerably, and the current crisis has become Mr. Obama’s crisis. Did you know that all of this was prophesied to happen thousands of years ago, and that things will get much worse, before they will get better?

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Worse Economic and Political Troubles Ahead for USA

Are we going to see soon an economic recovery in the USA? Hardly. According to the FDIC, the insurance fund needs about $65 billion through 2013 to help many of the designated 252 troubled banks, but we only have $18.9 billion in the fund. Decisions at the G-20 summit in London early April have laid the foundation “for the next crisis, which will be larger.” And America’s closest allies feel betrayed by the Obama Administration and are encouraged to build alliances among themselves–while isolating the USA. WHY is all of this happening?

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A Single Nuclear Bomb Could Destroy America

Is the Obama Administration still willing to provide American leadership to the Western World? How should we explain Mr. Obama’s giving in to German-French demands at the G-20 summit? How should we understand Mr. Obama’s acknowledgment of Europe’s leading role in world affairs? And how should we interpret Robert Gates’ comments regarding North Korea and Iran? But do we understand that a nuclear attack on America with the potential of killing 90% of all Americans is a distinct possibility?

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Beware of the GIVE Act!

On March 18, 2009, the House of Representatives approved “The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act,” or the “GIVE Act.” Why should America be concerned? What is this Act all about? Is it a move towards socialism, as some claim? Is it part of a frightening agenda of the Obama Administration to indoctrinate our young people and compel them to perform mandatory national service, as others fear?

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Why Most Americans Disapprove of Obama Administration

Mr. Obama’s approval rating is dropping. As the Wall Street Journal revealed, the overwhelming majority of Americans disagrees with his course of action, and this was even before the most recent scandal involving AIG bonuses. But many don’t even realize that the Obama Administration has begun attacking protection of speech, individual conscience and free exercise of religion.

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Too Embarrassed for God?

Are you ashamed to uphold Christian values and seemingly unpopular teachings of the Bible? Are you too afraid to reject the theory of Evolution? Do you think that you need to apologize for the biblical truth that man can ONLY be saved through Jesus Christ?

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Mr. Obama’s “Beginning of the End”

Without even reading it, Congress “approved” and rubber-stamped the new $800 billion stimulus package. When President Obama signed it into law, he declared that this was the “beginning of the end.” Considering that the USA is already $10 TRILLION in debt, and that the stimulus package and subsequent measures may very well DOUBLE or TRIPLE the national debt within the next few years, what exactly IS the “end” that we are beginning to see?

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WHY Is Christ’s Return Near?

How can we be sure that Christ will return soon? Did He give us signs to watch for? What are they? Are present world conditions any indication that the “end is near”? If so, why is today different from the last two thousand years since Jesus’ death and resurrection?

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