Am I Doing Enough?

by Rhonda Cagle

As I sit here and think about my eight-year work anniversary coming up in May, I pause and reflect on the many truly wonderful blessings my Heavenly Father has given me.  When I hear so many of my friends tell me of their struggles in life, both materially and personally, I realize just how blessed I really am.

I have gone through trials especially the past couple of years. The loss of my mother was extremely hard for me, yet out of that I was blessed in so many different ways. I went through three different company-wide layoffs, yet all the time never having my job in jeopardy. I have gone through many health issues and have learned and grown through them to trust God and His promises about healing. I have even experienced a healing this last year. I know that God does hear and answer prayers! But I must always trust He knows what is best for me and that in His time, He will answer. Yes, there are trials and there are hard days to get through, but the more I go through these trials and blessings, I learn more and more to trust our Heavenly Father. I know that He is faithful and true.

I am grateful for all He has given me and I wonder at times if I am doing enough to show Him how thankful I am. As we approach Passover, I ponder deeply about this–do I live the life that is accepting to Him? Do my actions in all I do praise Him? Do I thank Him enough for not just the material things in life but for His Son and His Sacrifice for me? Do I thank Him enough for His Holy Spirit that lives in me and helps me each day? Do I thank Him enough for my calling and all that it means? Do I find it a joy and an honor to serve Him? Do I really show Him how truly grateful I am for His love and the eternal life He has promised me if I am only faithful?  Am I doing enough to hear the words, “Well done, enter into your rest!”

I know, of course, that I will never reach perfection in this life. But I also know that as long as I follow God and rely on His help, I will grow in all of these areas.

God DOES Help Us!

by Rhonda Cagle

On January 28, 2005, I was laid off from Musicmatch after five and a
half years, due to Yahoo, Inc. buying the company. My accounting
manager was kept on with Yahoo until the end of July. Just two weeks
before my unemployment benefits were to run out (in August), I was
hired by Emerald Publications for a “three month” period. This was to
result in a permanent position. As it turned out, the Vice President of
Finance, with whom I interviewed, was Jewish, and she had no problem
with me keeping the Sabbath and the Holy Days, which were right around
the corner. Only two weeks after I was hired with Emerald, she quit her
job! I always wondered (and still do) whether God just kept her there
long enough to hire me?

In October, I received an email from my
former accounting manager at Musicmatch, stating that she had been
hired by Carvin Guitars, which was located right across the street from
where I was now working. We got together for lunch a couple weeks
later, and she asked if I would be interested in an accounts payable
position at Carvin? Although I was happy and confident that I would be
hired permanently at Emerald, I gave her my resume anyway. Over the
three-month period at Emerald, I was told on numerous occasions how
glad they were to have me there and how pleased they were with my work.
My three-month agreement with Emerald was to end on November 15th. That
day came and went with no word from them. Another week went by. I kept
expecting to hear “the word” concerning my status.

On Tuesday,
November 22nd, I received a call from the H.R. manager at Carvin asking
whether I could interview with the President that afternoon! After much
scrambling around to get ready, I agreed to meet with him during my
lunch hour. I received a call at 2:30 that afternoon from Carvin,
offering me the job! The position paid $2000.00 a year more than what I
was currently making, with benefits. I didn’t have to explain about the
Sabbath and the Holy Days to the President because he had already been
informed of my needs by my previous accounting manager! She told me he
stated it was “refreshing” to find someone who had such “strong
religious beliefs.” Not knowing what was going on with my status at
Emerald, I accepted the “sure” job. The new job would start a week
later, although they were receptive to postponing the date if I needed
to give Emerald a longer notice.

I went home and prayed that God
would show me whether I was making the right decision. The very next
morning the V.P. of finance at Emerald approached me and said they
wanted to meet with me Monday morning concerning EXTENDING my TEMPORARY
position for another three-month duration (without any benefits)! There
was my answer.

On Monday morning, instead of having a meeting
about extending my temporary status, I told them of my decision to
accept a permanent position with Carvin. They immediately offered to
counter Carvin’s offer. I told them thank you, but I had already
accepted the permanent position offered by Carvin. At that time they
said how sorry they were to see me go but also stated that if my new
job didn’t work out or if I changed my mind, to please come back and
apply for any job they might have open!

I now wonder if God
gave me the position at Emerald just long enough for my previous
accounting manager to be hired by Carvin and to bring me on with her
when the time was right. It sure looks that way. I just wanted to share
this with you to show how God takes care of us in so many different
ways. I hope this will encourage all of us, as it is so wonderful to
see God work so closely in our lives. “Thank you” to all of you who
prayed for me during this time. God definitely answers our prayers.

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