Women and the Ministry

A woman is never to set herself up as a teacher in the ministry – or teach at services – as that would mean that men would then be subject to women and would reverse the order that God has set in place.   A woman should not be placed in any ministerial capacity and today women preachers have taken unto themselves authority that is not rightfully theirs.   The Church of God has taught for decades that only men should be in the ministry.  We are to live by every Word of God – and that is the plain teaching of Scripture.

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Restrictions Removed

Recently, the now defunct cricket team that I used to play for, had a reunion match, and I was invited to play. Many of us had not seen each other for many years, and a friendly match was arranged against a local team. As we batted first, I was asked to open the batting and was going along nicely, until I pulled hamstrings in both legs–at the same time! This shouldn’t have come as a shock as I am now 67 and hadn’t played for about seven years, and so it was almost inevitable that lack of such activity coupled with age might present a few physical difficulties. And so it turned out to be. Apart from the hamstring problems, I discovered (not unreasonably) that I was not quite as quick at running as I expected to be, or used to be–something that playing against some youngsters about half a century younger than I clearly illustrated! This wonderful body that God has given us does wear away with age!

It got me to thinking about the restrictions that age can bring and that the Feast of Trumpets that we will keep in just about one week will not only be the joyous time of Christ’s return, but it will also be the time when faithful and loyal members of God’s Church will be instantly changed to spirit beings (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). It will be a time when our mortal bodies will put on immortality, and when we will have all of the restrictions removed that an earthly body imposes on us. No more pulled hamstrings; no more getting out of breath after some physical activity; and no more aches, pains, diseases and general ill health.

I look forward to my next game of cricket, probably next year, which will, no doubt, have the possibility of the body failing again in some way, but I look forward much more, as we all surely do, to the fulfillment of the next Feast day that we will soon be celebrating. That will be a time when all physical restrictions will be removed as we look forward to an eternity with God. What a future!

Falling Short

From time to time, we may hear politicians use the following expression, when they attempt to address their failures and mistakes: “My apologies to you that I have fallen short.” It appears that the public acknowledgements of shortcomings, errors and mistakes are often summed up as “falling short.” This reminds me of the Biblical admonition in Romans 3:23: “… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

Similar sentiments, you might think, but God’s Word clearly outlines man’s capacity to break the law of God and to miss the mark in living a truly Godly life. However, a politician’s remark of “having fallen short” is a euphemism for admitting mistakes without actually saying so.   Pride enters the scene. For many years now in the UK and other Western societies, the political scene has been awash with “spin” and political double talk, much more than in previous times. Man’s way is much different from the way – and the Word – of God.

God says what He means, and His inspired Word pulls no punches. Even the sins, mistakes and shortcomings of Bible heroes are not glossed over. When God speaks, we can totally rely on His Word; when men speak, we cannot have that same assurance.

We are privileged to have been called by God on Whom we can utterly rely. We certainly sin and fall short of the glory of God, and when we do, we need never be frightened to acknowledge our wrongs and to petition God for forgiveness. Pride is something that we must eradicate in our lives, but those who have pride usually find it difficult to say that they have been wrong – “falling short” is often as far as they will go. Unlike politicians of all persuasions, we are not being judged by the electorate, but by the great God of the universe – and how thankful we should be for that!

Shelf Life

A few weeks ago in the UK we had council elections where all the candidates were putting themselves forward for political office.   A week later, the Prime Minister announced that he would be leaving office on June 27th.   He was elected almost 10 years ago with high expectations, as usually happens with any change of leader, but now his place will be taken by another who will last only so long.   The same is true for all those councilors elected in the May local elections.   They have a short shelf life in their political office.  

Likewise, football managers rarely last more than a few short years and managers in industry move around.   Wherever you look, the shelf life in these highly paid jobs is but for a moment.   And yet, so many strive for them.   The perceived glamour of celebrity and position allied to wealth is a heady mix for so many who never give their Creator a passing thought.   It’s all for now, and the future will take care of itself.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, much is written that we should take note of.   “… Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.   What profit has a man from his labor In which he toils under the sun?   One generation passes away, and another generation comes; But the earth abides forever” (Ecclesiastes 1:2-4).  

We have been called to have a full time career in Christianity that will last until our dying breath.  There must be no shelf life for true Christians in this mortal life as we grow and overcome and press towards the Kingdom of God. As Christians called by God, our shelf life is to be eternity, not just a fleeting few years.

Ecclesiastes has this admonition right at the end of the book, in chapter 12:13: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is the whole duty of man.”

Different Values; Different Customs

Recently a Sky News report stated that “More details are emerging about Cho Seung-Hui, the student who shot dead 32 people at Virginia Tech university in America.” In a letter found in his dormitory he criticizes what he calls the rich kids on campus and goes on to say, “you caused me to do this.” It also complained about “debauchery” and “deceitful charlatans.”

In an editorial, dated September 10, 2004 (Update #160), I wrote about an attitude which often surfaces, denying personal responsibility by saying, “It’s Not My Fault.” Again, this “no fault” approach reared its very ugly head when a mass murderer blamed his innocent victims for his terrible and insane crimes.

In his letter, the mentally disturbed perpetrator of this dreadful crime complained about “debauchery” and “deceitful charlatans.” It appears very likely that he was influenced by demonic forces, if not possessed. And even though the mass murderer was the child of immigrants from South Korea, he seemed to have been fully integrated into Western society. However, the terrible and inexcusable madness of the crime prompted me to think about the issue of immigration in general.

When students from a different culture move to a new country which has different ideals, beliefs, concepts and way of life, it can be a serious problem. The same applies when immigrants pursue residency in a new country which, again, may have a totally alien way of life to that which they have been accustomed to all of their previous life. Some may integrate and accept the old premise of “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Others may find it hard, if not impossible, to assimilate into their new surroundings and hold on to their old way of life and its values, which are sacrosanct to them–and that is when real problems can emerge.

Debate can rage about allowing immigrants–especially those from Third World countries–into a different “Christian” country, but what example do they find when they enter the UK, USA, Canada and many other western nations? They are confronted with easily accessible pornography, licentious life styles, blasphemy and foul language as the norm, entertainment of the worst kind, loutish and threatening behavior to older and more vulnerable people (and to many others), lying, stealing and cheating – and so much more. Galatians 5:19-21 lists the works of the flesh which are evident, on a daily basis, in our towns and cities up and down the land. Those from cultures that are much more “conservative” have a hard time coming to terms with such “liberality.”

We can be very quick to jump on the accusatory bandwagon, but, without excusing any wrong behavior whatsoever, including the senseless killing of innocent people, we do nothing to assist people’s “righteous indignation” when our “Christian” nations provide a backdrop and environment with inherently wrong values in society “as the norm” in the first place.

As we have said so many times over the years–and it is certainly not over-emphasized by repetition–only the righteous rule of Jesus Christ at His return, together with the banishment of Satan, will provide the right environment for correct behavior – behavior that will ensure that the terrible demonically-inspired events at Virginia Tech University will not be repeated, nor the godless life style of liberal nations. But until that day, unfortunately, we will see more of the same.


More recently, the concept of self-regulation has been introduced into so many areas of life, including commerce, industry, finances and sport, amongst many others. These courses of conduct are usually called voluntary codes of practice to ensure that appropriate behavior is implemented, based on the law. They want to avoid the heavy hand of the law and the penalties that would probably follow. Much is made by organizations who trumpet the fact that they are able to police and manage their sphere of operations sufficiently and well enough without the need of outside interference.

But self-regulation has been in force for a Christian for a long time, showing how up-to-date the New Testament is, in spite of it being nearly 2,000 years old! At baptism, a Christian commits to a life of growing and overcoming, with the power of the Holy Spirit. He has to regulate himself and his behavior to conform to the Will of God and His Way.

In just over a week’s time, on the evening of April 1, after sunset, baptized members of the Church of God will be taking the Passover, but only after self-examination. There are a number of Biblical references to this requirement, which are given to ensure that Church members spend time examining themselves to be certain that they take the Passover in a worthy manner.  In other words, they have to engage in and review their own self-regulation, based on God’s Law! By taking this course of action, they are able to judge themselves, so that they will not have to be judged by God (compare 1 Corinthians 11:31).

While this is the time of the year when a more intense spiritual introspection takes place, ongoing self-examination is an integral part of a true Christian’s way of life.

Self-regulation is not a new concept dreamed up by government agencies, business or other areas of life in the 21st century. It is a concept as old as Christianity–one that we must take seriously today, as we press towards the Kingdom of God. It is an essential part of our calling–one in which we must not fail.

A Question of Balance

One of the greatest problems that people in general have, is that of balance which is not being extreme in any way. There are three ditches that we can fall into – that of being a Pharisee or nitpicker, that of being a liberal, and that of being a critic. None of these three areas will do us any good at all in our Christian lives. God has given human beings various abilities and powers but all too often we can, and do, neglect or abuse these attributes. But with the help of God’s Holy Spirit, we can use the abilities that we have been given, in a right way ensuring that we don’t fall into these various ditches.

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Be Steadfast – Or Else!

Steadfast is defined by one dictionary as: firmly fixed in place; immovable; not subject to change; firm in belief, determination or adherence.   These are the qualities that are a must for all true Christians.   There are many things that can threaten our steadfastness.  We have tests and trials – something that we are promised – and some may give up or compromise; a spouse dies and the one left can be so upset that they can drift away; the local group dissolves as members die, move away or stop attending so that the group is longer viable; there is no group or church locally; members can move from one part of the country to another due to their job or family – and to an area that has no Sabbath services.   Excuses can be made about attendance where there is a group.   These are just some of the dangers that can threaten our steadfastness.   And being steadfast to the truth is an essential requirement in making it into God’s Kingdom.   It is just that serious.

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Public Opinion and the True Christian

Public opinion is something that matters very much to the political parties–so much so that they are very good at finding out what the people want and then feeding that desire. One encyclopedia defines public opinion as the aggregate–the sum total–of individual attitudes or beliefs held by the adult population. Gone seem to be convicted politicians who stand for what they believe.

Influence is one of the outcomes of being in power. There has been so much manipulation in so many areas over a sustained period of time that those things that our fathers and forefathers thought were wrong are now accepted practice. For example, in Great Britain and many other parts in the world, the homosexual lobby has made such inroads on public opinion that the law is now on their side, and one can be prosecuted for quoting what God has to say on the matter. Abortion was abhorrent not all that long ago, but now is accepted practice. Foul and abusive language is commonplace in television programs, and now very few even bat an eyelid. The list continues. Public opinion has been so manipulated that standards of yesteryear are now thought of as old fashioned and that society has “moved on.”

Has this rubbed off on the people of God? I would think that the answer must be yes to one degree or another. We don’t live in a vacuum–and we have to live in this wayward society of ours. Someone once said that fashions may change but standards do not. Godly standards do NOT change although there are those who try to explain them away. God is very specific on this matter. Malachi 3:6 says: “For I am the LORD, I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.” Hebrews 13:8 explains: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” James 1:17 adds that “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

The great God of the universe is constant in everything. He doesn’t change with public opinion as people try and bend Him into the shape that they want–and with which they are comfortable. Whichever direction public opinion takes should make absolutely no difference to our approach to the important issues of life. The knowledge of God and His ways are simply not known or understood, except by the very few. In the Kingdom of God, public opinion will not be influenced by that master of the black arts–Satan the devil–who is today the real source of forming and shaping the values of our society.

Once Jesus Christ has established God’s government here on earth, mankind will have to be taught God’s way, and a lifetime of absorbing Satan’s influences will have to be swept away out of the minds of billions of people. Public opinion then will be Godly and not manipulated in the wrong direction as it is today. Public opinion is of no use to us at all–it is the opinion and the way of God that matters. What we have to do is seek the will of God–not the will and opinion of society. Matthew 6:33 sums it up perfectly: “But seek first the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness, and all these [physical] things shall be added to you.”

Anticipation and Commitment

As we approach the end of the (Gregorian) year of 2006, many will
celebrate this event with “ringing out the old and ringing in the new”
– a time of anticipation and, for many, resolution.  In London,
there will be the usual huge media attention as Big Ben strikes 12
midnight on December 31st with dancing in the streets, people
congregating in Piccadilly Circus and all this being shown on
television, with similar behavior being copied around the UK.

New Year’s Eve has become a time for people to wallow in excesses of
alcohol and other unacceptable conduct! The modern attitude seems to be
to have a wild time on New Year’s Eve and turn over a new leaf on New
Year’s Day!   New Year’s resolutions are usually empty and
meaningless, with few people making a lasting change.   The
anticipation is of better things to come the following year and, for
many, a commitment to resolutions that may last a few hours, a few days
or even, in some cases, a few weeks, but rarely have permanence in
their lives.

The celebration of man’s New Year is never once
commanded in the Bible. It is not something that God’s people are
attracted to or involved with. However, we also have anticipation and
commitment, but different, wholly different, from the world around us.

anticipate better things in the Kingdom of God at Christ’s return,
which is an event that surely can’t come too quickly to the committed
Church of God member. Our commitment that we made at baptism to live a
changed life in Christ is a lifetime commitment.   It is not
temporary anticipation of and involvement in worldly festivals derived
from paganism,  but we are looking forward to eternal life with
the great Creator God of the universe.   Now that is
anticipation that just cannot be beaten and worth all the commitment
that it will take!

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