Eye of a Needle

An in depth personal story involving my music career as to how it all started, what’s happening now, what the future plans entail, and the significance of God’s guidance throughout this entire journey.

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The Art of Communication

How can we become effective communicators with our fellow man and with God?  What are the benefits and disadvantages of communication?  There are important keys that can be applied to become successful communicators.

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Trust in the USA Gone

The release of secret diplomatic memos by Wikileaks caused incalculable damage for the USA. Notwithstanding some nice lip services from embarrassed politicians, the overall consensus in the European media is that the revelations are a disaster for America, hugely damaging and a political meltdown for US foreign policy, and that they expose the superpower’s weaknesses and create a crisis for German-American relations with unpredictable consequences. One German paper wrote that Americas reserve of trust is empty and those documents are like a weapon of mass destruction on the last traces of trust. Why is all of this happening? The answer, even though VERY clear, might surprise you.

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Trials and Temptations

Many have used the phrase. Many are saying it in their church services. Some are saying it in prayer every day. But do they really understand what they are saying? We are referring to a phrase, which is attributed to Jesus Christ. According to the Authorized Version, Jesus asked us to pray to the Father, “Lead us not into temptation.” But, did Christ tell us to pray in that way? Wouldn’t this be a strange request, knowing that God does not tempt anyone? The problem is that the translation in the Authorized Version is very misleading. What Christ actually did say is a puzzle to many. The answer might surprise you.
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