Eternal Judgement

The concept of eternal judgment is a fundamental biblical doctrine. It is so important because it applies to all men. Everyone, including true Christians, will be judged after they die. But when exactly will that judgment take place; who will judge; and what is meant with “eternal” judgment or the “day of judgment”?

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How to Love our Country

Are we to love our country in which we live… to be true patriots? If so, what does this mean exactly, and what does it not mean? Many have a wrong concept of true godly love, and this program will give you answers to many misunderstood ideas.

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When It Rains, It Pours

Are you confronted with distress, calamity and adversity in your life? Could God have anything to do with it? Is it possible to have unshakable confidence in times of affliction, misery and trouble? How should one act and not act in the face of evil? Do great nations, such as the USA and the UK, experience today catastrophe and disaster, or will they encounter them soon? Could they avoid their impending adversity and imminent destruction? Will calamity and disaster ever end?
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Biblical Standards and Prophesies Are Never Wrong!

Our weekly Updates include large sections on Current Events. This program gives an overview of the important news of the week, including Donald Trump’s alleged sexual misconduct; the attempts to create a functioning government in Germany; European endeavors and the sad consequences of Brexit. We state clearly our conviction regarding biblical standards and future events, which are based on Scripture and not on opinion polls or the ideas of the media. This includes our often-stated belief that Donald Trump will be reelected in 2020 (if there are American elections in 2020); that a grand coalition in Germany under Merkel and Schulz will come about soon; and that Brexit will not be reversed.

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Lot in Sodom

Jesus warned us that the time of His Second Coming could be compared with the days of Lot and the conditions in Sodom. Was Lot a righteous man? Why did he live in Sodom? Why was Sodom destroyed? Was it only because of homosexual conduct? Are there archeological proofs outside the Bible showing us that Sodom was indeed destroyed? Why did Lot’s daughters commit incest with their father? What can we learn from Lot’s life?

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God’s Control of the Weather

This sermon shows the difference between today’s weather conditions, which are oftentimes catastrophic, and the weather conditions in the future, when God rules on earth. Bad weather conditions can be the direct result of God’s punishment for sin, while good weather can be the direct consequence of God’s blessing for right conduct. We will also address the political situation around the world, following Mr. Trump’s election as President; his “no-win”- position; and “Europe’s perfect storm,” leading to unparalleled terrible world conditions, as a result of sin.

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Why Will God Punish America?

The Bible speaks in no uncertain terms about America’s future defeat in war, and it gives us many reasons as to why God is extremely angry with the USA, as well as other nations. We will see in this sermon why the ancient House of Israel went into captivity. We will also show that America, which is called modern Sodom in the Bible, commits the same sins today, without any real hope for repentance and change.

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As in the Days of Noah…

The depravity and perversity of modern man proves that we have reached the Last Days. This disturbing program reveals the terrible times in which we are living. Just look at the demonic and abominable activities of ISIS; the horrible and disgusting procedures of Planned Parenthood; the morbid sexual child abuse scandal of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Australia; and the despicable adulterous conduct of millions of nominal Christians all over the world. All of these activities serve as a few examples to show that the times of the end for our present wicked generation are fast approaching.

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Good or Evil? — Catholic Ireland Votes to Legalize Same-Sex Marriages

The Irish people voted by a landslide in favor of the legalization of same-sex marriages. Catholic Ireland is now referred to as a “beacon of light” and a “leader out of darkness”, “showing others the right way. While the Roman Catholic Church officially views practicing homosexuality as “unnatural,” the German Protestant Church declared that it is “neither abnormal nor sinful.” How does God see it? What does the Bible have to say about it? And if the Bible is clear on the matter, why are so many Christians afraid to stand up for the truth?

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