Impeachment, Immigration and Indifference–Comments on News and Prophecy (December 7, 2019)

The attempts to force President Trump out of office through the impeachment hoax will utterly fail. Through their ill-conceived biased political maneuverings, Democrats have guaranteed that Trump will be re-elected. From a spiritual standpoint, Trump will have to stay in power until he has fulfilled his providential role. What is that role, and how do our American immigration system, the building of a third temple in Jerusalem, a new holocaust and a nuclear war against the USA come into play? And why are Americans so indifferent as to what is going on?

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New Appalling Immigration Proclamation and Scandalous Jury Duty Judgment–News and Prophecy, October 5, 2019

Late Friday on October 4, in the darkness and under the cover of night, the White House issued a new proclamation which would deny visas to thousands, if not millions of spouses, parents and siblings of US CITIZENS. This appalling rule would be in line with President Trump’s ultimate goal to deny immigration to anyone but to the rich, the wealthy and the highly educated. Also, in a ridiculous judgment, a Florida Judge sentenced a 21-year old young man to 10 days in jail and issued other penalties for not showing up for jury duty.

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Donald Trump–America’s Savior or Destroyer?

Many have different opinions about President Trump, but what does God say? This program discusses Trump’s controversial immigration policy, his bad approval ratings, his attack on Fox News and American Jews; his changing positions on background checks and the recession; his cancellation of his trip to Denmark; and troublesome descriptions about his person which he applied to or embraced of himself. We also discuss the prospects of his reelection in 2020 from God’s point of view, and we answer the question in the title of this program, while also referring to a recent sermon with much biblical proof, titled, “When It Rains, It Pours.”
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