Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Please feel free to proceed with making reservations for the Feast of Tabernacles 2011 with the Hilton Garden Inn at Pismo Beach. When you call, please make sure that you mention that you are attending the Feast convention of the Church of the Eternal God. Further information is available on our Web site (, under “Feasts.”

Our new booklet, “Germany in Prophecy,” (an updated English translation of our German booklet, “Deutschland in der Prophezeiung”) has entered the second review cycle.

A new StandingWatch program was posted on our Web site and on YouTube, titled, “The Solution to Our National Debt Crisis.” How can we possibly conceptualize the enormous amount of our national debt, and now we are told that we must even borrow more. What are the causes for our financial demise and insolvency? God is very clear that unless we change our lives, we are going to face terrible inevitable consequences.

A new AufPostenStehen program was posted on our Web site and on YouTube, titled, “Ging Elia in den Himmel ein?” [“Did Elijah Enter Heaven?”]

A new German sermon was posted on the Internet, titled “Irans Zukunft” [“Iran’s Future”].

©2025 Church of the Eternal God