In answering this question, let us first of all define what superstition is. Wordnik defines this as follows:
“1. An irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome.
“2. A belief, practice, or rite irrationally maintained by ignorance of the laws of nature or by faith in magic or chance.
“3. A fearful or abject state of mind resulting from such ignorance or irrationality.”
“Therefore, a superstitious person is one who relates to, or is swayed by superstition.
“Superstition is irrational as can be worked out when reviewing some of these actions that are taken by superstitious people:
“… crossing fingers for luck; touching [or knocking on] wood; not walking under a ladder (although it would be sensible if doing that to check that it was safe to do so); throwing salt over your shoulder; a black cat crossing your path; a broken mirror bringing seven years of bad luck; Friday the 13th being an unlucky day. Some countries won’t have a 13th level on an apartment block. Don’t open an umbrella inside a house. Finding a horseshoe is good luck.”
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