This Week in the News

America’s Mission in Afghanistan Collapsed in One Day

The Guardian wrote on August 15:

“The 20-year western mission to Afghanistan collapsed in a single dramatic day as Taliban gunmen poured into the capital, Kabul, on Sunday to seize back control of the country.

“Amid scenes of panic, the Afghan president Ashraf Ghani fled the country and the US ambassador was evacuated to Kabul airport, abandoning the American embassy…

“In deeply humiliating scenes for the Biden administration, less than a month before the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America, smoke spiralled from the embassy compound as staff hastily destroyed documents, before a final group took down the stars and stripes flag and headed to the airport by military helicopter…”

In an accompanying article, the Guardian wrote on August 15:

“The president thought he would gain credit for getting out. So far, it’s been all brickbats… Last time Kabul fell to the Taliban, in 1996, the president, Mohammad Najibullah, was captured and tortured to death. His corpse was hung from a traffic light at a roundabout, signalling a new era of Islamist rule.

“Already, a powerful international chorus is decrying the consequences of Biden’s too-hasty retreat. The UN and aid agencies foresee a humanitarian catastrophe. European countries fear a Syria-scale refugee crisis. Women’s organisations are aghast at the cruel subjugation of Afghanistan’s women and girls. Senior military men from Nato allies bemoan an ‘historic’ strategic blunder. The US departure is a gift to China and Russia, pundits say. It reinforces claims, heard in Iraq in 2011, that the US lacks staying power and leaves friends in the lurch… the Taliban are reportedly fighting alongside al-Qaida and possibly Isis terrorists, too…

“This is exactly what the US (and Britain) always insisted must never happen. Crushing Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida in the wake of the 9/11 attacks was the reason the US invaded in the first place. Allowing al-Qaida a way back is an anathema. Americans would never forgive it. Even so, the situation begins to resemble Iraq after the US withdrawal in 2011. Within two years, Isis had seized large areas of Iraq and Syria and declared an Islamic caliphate. A series of terrible terrorist atrocities ensued, there and across Europe… Will history repeat itself in Afghanistan?”

Sadly, it might. The incredibly disastrous defeat of the USA by Islamist terrorists and the perceived utter incompetence of President Biden and his administration is being noticed by friends and allies around the world.

Bloomberg wrote on August 15:

“Even allies who understood why the U.S. was leaving Afghanistan are likely to be affected by the haste, irresponsibility and callousness with which Washington has made its departure….”

Biden Broke the Peace Deal

Breitbart wrote on August 15:

“The Taliban victory follows Biden breaking the peace deal former President Donald Trump negotiated with the jihadist organization. Under Trump’s terms, the U.S. would have withdrawn all of its combat personnel by May 1 of this year in exchange for the Taliban promising not to harbor terrorist groups like al Qaeda, to negotiate in good faith with Kabul, and to refrain from attacking U.S. forces as they left.

“Biden announced in April he would extend the U.S. presence to September 11, 2021, the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that prompted the American invasion. He later advanced the withdrawal date to the end of August. The Taliban expressed outrage at the delay and indicated Biden’s actions released them from their commitments under the deal. The terrorist group’s crippling offensive against the Afghan government swiftly followed.”

Of course, there is no guarantee that the Taliban would have abided by any “agreement” with the USA under President Trump.

Biden’s Defeat like Vietnam—only worse!

The Hill wrote on August 15:

“In the past week, comparisons to the fall of Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War in 1975 – which included the chaotic evacuation of the U.S. embassy as communist forces took over the South Vietnamese capital – have gained steam in headlines and on social media… Team Biden is getting hit from the right, the left and everywhere in between for its miscalculation that the Taliban could be reasoned with and would not immediately proceed to take back the country, including the capital city of Kabul…

“A whopping 86 percent of Americans are [concerned] about inflation’… Almost 8 in 10 (78 percent) of voters say they believe violent crime is a ‘major problem’ in the U.S… Just 33 percent approve of Biden’s handling of the border…

“Now the president has a fourth front to defend: Afghanistan, a country that is about to be governed by a terrorist organization that will not hesitate to harbor the likes of ISIS and al Qaeda again.

“It’s the ’70s all over again, except things overall are actually worse…”

Politico wrote on August 13:

“Even if you ignore the fact that Biden has been wrong on almost every U.S. foreign policy and national security issue of the last 40 years…,  what is happening today [in Afghanistan] matters more than most of his previous mistakes….”

Biden’s Afghanistan Surrender

The Editorial Board of the Wallstreet Journal wrote on August 15:

“President Biden’s statement on Saturday [August 14] washing his hands of Afghanistan deserves to go down as one of the most shameful in history by a Commander in Chief at such a moment of American retreat. As the Taliban closed in on Kabul, Mr. Biden sent a confirmation of U.S. abandonment that absolved himself of responsibility, deflected blame to his predecessor, and more or less invited the Taliban to take over the country.

“With that statement of capitulation, the Afghan military’s last resistance collapsed. Taliban fighters captured Kabul, and President Ashraf Ghani fled the country while the U.S. frantically tried to evacuate Americans. The jihadists the U.S. toppled 20 years ago for sheltering Osama bin Laden will now fly their flag over the U.S. Embassy building on the 20th anniversary of 9/11…

“Mr. Biden’s Saturday self-justification exemplifies his righteous dishonesty… Worse is his attempt to blame his decisions on Mr. Trump…”

Another one of Biden’s Most Shameful Speeches

The Sun wrote on August 17:

“Joe Biden’s speech last night [Monday, August 16] will surely rank as one of the most shameful in presidential history… The mission to prevent terrorism had been a success, he told us, and nation-building was never part of the deal. ‘The buck stops with me,’ he declared, after blaming Donald Trump, as well as the Afghan government, soldiers and people for the ‘gut-wrenching’ scenes… He boasted of resettling 2,000 Afghan allies and their families, as if it absolved him of blame for the many thousands more he has abandoned to their fate…

But there has to be a better way to exit than this shambolic headlong retreat that sold millions of ordinary Afghans down the river…”

Trump Speaks out and Is Regaining Popularity

Fox News wrote on August 17:

“Donald Trump strongly condemned President Joe Biden and the catastrophe unfolding in Kabul, Afghanistan since the weekend, in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Tuesday… [He said] that Biden has humiliated the United States more than any other president in history…

“Trump said that he warned presumed Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in discussions last year that the United States will strike back tenfold if an American was harmed or the militants encroached on unapproved areas… Trump claimed he never had any confidence in the now abdicated government of President Ashraf Ghani, claiming the politician was in it for the money… That description was proven true, Trump claimed, following Ghani’s reported escape in which he took several vehicles and an untold amount of cash.”

Breitbart wrote on August 18:

Most voters blame… Joe Biden for the Afghanistan catastrophe and Donald Trump would beat him in a re-vote, per the latest from Rasmussen Reports…  When asked, ‘Who is to blame for the Taliban taking over Afghanistan?’ 51 percent blamed Biden, only 33 percent said Trump, while 15 percent remained undecided…

“The poll also asked who the respondent voted for in the 2020 election. An equal number, 45 percent, said they voted for Biden and Trump. But when asked‘If the next presidential election were held today, who would you vote for?’ Trump now beats Biden by 43 to 37 percent.”

UK Criticizes Biden over Afghanistan

Deutsche Welle reported on August 13:

“… the British government has called the US move to withdraw from Afghanistan ‘a mistake’ because the country ‘is heading towards civil war.’…  “Some international allies, including Germany, warned, ‘that pressing ahead with the plan to leave would create a security vacuum.’…”

According to the New York Times, Biden was pleading with the Taliban to spare the US Embassy in Kabul. Bild Online wrote: “Bidens Kniefall vor den Taliban.” (“Biden kneels down before or bows the knee to the Taliban.”)  

Truly embarrassing for America. But then, America’s allies, including the UK and Germany, are hypocrites, as they had already withdrawn their troops from Afghanistan.

It’s America’s Fault

The Guardian wrote on August 12:

“‘[The Afghans have to] fight for themselves, fight for their nation,’ Joe Biden said. Jen Psaki, the White House spokeswoman, added: ‘They have what they need. What they need to determine is whether they have the political will to fight back.’

“But despite more than $80bn in US security assistance since 2002 and an annual military budget far in excess of other developing nations, Afghan military resistance to the Taliban is collapsing with greater speed than even most pessimists had predicted…  the attempt to put all the blame on the Afghans obscures the share of responsibility of the US and its allies for the military disaster…

“… many military analysts argue the abruptness of the US withdrawal, begun by Donald Trump and continued by Joe Biden, has contributed to the speed of the collapse… Without US soldiers on the ground directing precision air strikes in the midst of the battle, US air support to Afghan troops is of limited help… Afghanistan has its own air force but it is dependent on US military contractors to service it, and the contractors were among the first to leave…”

No wonder that the Afghan “army” is collapsing and on the run, leaving powerful weapons and tanks and war machines behind for the Taliban to grab—most of them “made in the USA.” The USA, both under Trump and now under Biden, is being accused of a terrible shortsightedness and miscalculation of reality. But the same goes for America’s allies. Note the subsequent articles.

Europe Alarmed and Frustrated

The Washington Examiner wrote on August 18:

 “President Joe Biden’s chaotic exit from Afghanistan has sent a shiver of frustration and bewilderment through allies at home and abroad who regarded his inauguration as a break from former President Donald Trump’s oft-haphazard approach to foreign policy… [Allies] are stunned to see him follow Trump’s line in Afghanistan and compound that choice with mismanagement.

“German politician Armin Laschet, the heir-apparent to outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel, [said:] ‘This is the greatest debacle that NATO has seen since its foundation, and it is an epochal change that we are facing’…

“That’s the kind of criticism European officials might have expected Trump to earn rather than Biden, given the former president described the alliance as ‘obsolete.’… In June, Biden said he had ‘strong consensus among the leaders … on Afghanistan’ during his appearance at the NATO summit in Brussels. That statement belied the disagreement over his decision to withdraw so soon after taking office, and the fall of Kabul just months later has caused transatlantic frustration to break into public. ‘It looks like NATO has been completely overtaken by American unilateral decisions,’ former British national security adviser Peter Ricketts told Financial Times. ‘First of all, Trump’s decision to start talking to the Taliban about leaving and then the Biden decision to set a timetable.’”

Politico wrote on August 17:

Now… European officials worried he has unwittingly accelerated what his predecessor Donald Trump started: the degradation of the Western alliance and everything it is supposed to stand for in the world. Across Europe, officials have reacted with a mix of disbelief and a sense of betrayal.

“Even those who cheered Biden’s election and believed he could ease the recent tensions in the transatlantic relationship said they regarded the withdrawal from Afghanistan as nothing short of a mistake of historic magnitude. ‘I say this with a heavy heart and with horror over what is happening, but the early withdrawal was a serious and far-reaching miscalculation by the current administration,’ said Norbert Röttgen, chairman of the German parliament’s foreign relations committee. ‘This does fundamental damage to the political and moral credibility of the West.’

“At a time when some European leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron, have been pushing for the bloc to pursue a security policy less dependent on America, Afghanistan is bound to be used as evidence for why ‘strategic autonomy’ is necessary… While dismay over the course of events in Afghanistan was widespread across Europe, it is particularly pronounced in Germany…”

“European autonomy” is clearly prophesied.

“Whatever Happened to ‘America is Back’? Allies Fume at Biden Failure in Afghanistan”

Breitbart wrote August 15:

“U.S. allies are fuming at President Joe Biden’s failure to defend Afghanistan from the Taliban, wondering if the country’s rapid collapse, and Biden’s refusal to consult other countries before withdrawal, means America’s decline as a world power.”

“The Washington Post reported Sunday:

‘“Whatever happened to ‘America is back’?” said Tobias Ellwood, who chairs the Defense Committee in the British Parliament, citing Biden’s foreign policy promise to rebuild alliances and restore U.S. prestige damaged during the Trump administration. ‘People are bewildered that after two decades of this big, high-tech power intervening, they are withdrawing and effectively handing the country back to the people we went in to defeat,’ Ellwood said. ‘This is the irony. How can you say America is back when we’re being defeated by an insurgency armed with no more than [rocket-propelled grenades], land mines and AK-47s?’

‘“Israeli officials are worried, according [to] the Times of Israel, noting some links that exist between the Taliban and Hamas…  In Britain, the Daily Mail blared the front-page headline alongside a military coffin: ‘What the… did they all die for?’

“Biden has used the phrase ‘America is back’ to signify his willingness to cooperate with other nations — in contrast to Trump’s supposed assertion of American preeminence. ‘America is back. America is back. Diplomacy is back at the center of our foreign policy,’ Biden said in a speech at the State Department, shortly after taking office.”

America is being defeated for biblical reasons. Please view our new StandingWatch program, titled, “Making America Great Again?”  

Merkel Failed the German People

On August 15, Bild Online published the following commentary by chief editor Julian Reichelt:

“We capitulate, the barbarians triumph. During these hours, the Taliban are establishing an Islamist state of God in the country where more than 50 German soldiers and thousands of soldiers from the Western Alliance have lost their lives so that that same caliphate would never exist again. The images are a dramatic reminder of the debacle of the lost Vietnam War. The barbarians who attacked New York and Western civilization 20 years ago on September 11th are triumphant.

“What President Biden had ruled out in June is now a reality: Americans are being flown out of Afghanistan. During these hours, thousands upon thousands set off for Europe, fleeing from the Stone Age Islamists. We see that the words of Chancellor Angela Merkel to COMBAT the causes of flight on the ground were completely worthless.

“We don’t fight, we surrender. The case of Kabul shows the strategic indifference and incompetence of our federal government on global issues: China gets influence in Afghanistan, we get the refugees from Afghanistan. And it won’t be long before terror is brought back to the world from there. After the debacle in Syria, Chancellor Merkel did not even attempt to forge a military alliance that could have protected our interests on the ground for the second time, for example by providing air support for the Afghan army, which we only built with billions in taxpayers’ money to see them collapse now and leave the guns to the Taliban.

“The full extent of the inability can be seen in Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, who unfortunately forgot to evacuate the German embassy staff in time because she simply ignored the threat posed by the approaching Taliban. In the first really important moment she showed how completely unsuitable she is for the office of defense minister. She only noticed the Taliban when their flags were flying in the suburbs of Kabul. It is a failure that could still cost lives.

“The Chancellor has been claiming for 16 years that she thinks everything from the end. The end of the Afghanistan mission, for which she is politically responsible, could not have been more devastating.”

Merkel’s days are over, and her time is far spent, and her successor, whoever it might be in the short term, will prove to be as weak, or weaker, than Merkel (see the article below on the German elections in September).

This Hypocrisy Must Stop

Deutsche Welle wrote on August 16:

“The mission was one big lie… Human rights? Women’s rights? Democracy? That’s no longer the West’s problem, it seems, it’s suddenly for Afghans to sort out among themselves…

“But what Biden fails to mention is that the US did not only invade Afghanistan back in 2001 in order to fight the Taliban and al-Qaida. The US also promised the Afghan people that it would bring democracy to their country. Protecting the rights of Afghan women was one of the main arguments for the US-led war on Afghanistan. But two decades on, it’s clear that this was all just empty rhetoric; neither women’s rights nor democracy were the top priorities.

“The same women who… were placated with promises… are now being cast back into the darkness in which they existed prior to 2001. They have been betrayed and abandoned… The EU and Germany’s asylum policy is no less hypocritical…  EU politicians have refused to acknowledge the gravity of the security situation in Afghanistan and that the international mission has failed.

“But now that it’s too late, politicians, the media and academics are professing their shock… Instead of supporting warlords and corrupt politicians in recent years, they should have made concerted efforts to understand and engage with the Afghan people, their culture and society… Rather than helping build an army, they should have been helping the Afghan people build a future….”

And so, hypocritical Europeans place all the blame on America.

Far Eastern Military Cooperation

Newsmax wrote on August 13:

“Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu praised military cooperation between Moscow and Beijing on Friday and suggested it could develop further, after flying to China for joint maneuvers involving more than 10,000 troops… Russia and China have conducted joint drills since 2005, but Shoigu — a close ally of President Vladimir Putin — noted that it was the first time the Russian military had taken part in an event of this kind in China… [Reportedly,] the drills also marked the first time Russian soldiers had used Chinese weapons.

“… China is Russia’s biggest trade partner. Russian Railways this week said the first railway bridge between Russia and China, over the Amur River, would open soon, a boost for bilateral trade.

“Separate Russian drills with Indian forces in the Russian city of Volgograd involving around 500 soldiers ended on Thursday…”

A military cooperation between Russia, China and other countries, such as India, Pakistan and Iran, which will be hostile towards the EU and the USA, is prophesied. It is also interesting that China and Russia are enjoying a very good relationship with the Taliban in Afghanistan and are not vacating their embassies. Note the next article.

Modern Diplomacy wrote on August 11:

“The American exit from Afghanistan has created a power vacuum. The quartet of China, Russia, Pakistan, and Iran stands to benefit the most from the US withdrawal…

“From a long-term perspective, the American exit signals a shift in US foreign policy away from the Middle East and South Central Asia…

Beijing would prefer to work closely with Moscow than with Washington. China and Russia share similar concerns, and both oppose a Western military presence….”

EU Relies on its Military Might

National News wrote on August 13:

“Determined not to open Europe’s borders to another wave of refugees, the EU is preparing to guard its frontiers with a growing reliance on military might… People travelling to Europe can expect to face drones, army troops and more guards from the EU’s border agency Frontex… The agency uses planes, helicopters, sea vessels, patrol cars and other equipment, such as heartbeat detectors, to root out illegal migrants in what experts consider a growing militarisation of its operations…

“Airbus supplies Frontex with drones equipped with infrared vision to monitor the Mediterranean. Guards are allowed to use service weapons… Frontex is in high demand from EU countries… Frontex has working arrangements with 18 countries, including Ukraine, one of the main sources of people who are deported from the EU…”

The EU is relying more and more on mercenaries such as Frontex.

Germany after September 26

European Politics and Policy as well as the London School of Economics published the following piece by Minna Ålander, Julina Mintel and Dominik Rehbaum on August 12:

“… the choice of Germany’s next leader will also have significant consequences for the EU

“The current governing coalition of the Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) and Social Democrats (SPD) consider the EU to be a central part of Germany’s future… The Greens want to [see] a Federal European Republic, and the FDP envisions a decentralised federal European state… Die Linke… would like to… cut all funding for military projects. In contrast, the AfD would like Germany to leave the EU altogether.

“Regarding foreign and security policy, all parties with the exception of the AfD [want] to enhance the EU’s decision-making capacity. The FDP, CDU/CSU and SPD support a European Defence Union and the creation of a European armed forces… The CDU/CSU manifesto envisions a core Europe… in all matters of foreign and security policy…  While the CDU/CSU, the Greens and Die Linke all favour the introduction of a digital euro by the European Central Bank to guarantee means of payment, the AfD proposes a return to a national German currency.

“It is exceptionally difficult to predict the outcome of the election [on September 26], but the most likely scenario is that the CDU/CSU will remain in power with a new coalition partner. One such coalition would be an agreement between the CDU/CSU and the FDP…

“At present, the polling presents a mixed picture and it remains unclear what direction Germany will take as it enters the post-Merkel era. It will be up to German voters to decide on whether the country should continue to pursue a similar path under a new leader, or whether it is time to initiate a major break with the past….”

Germany’s future is indeed interesting, and this even more so now, in light of the Afghanistan debacle for which the German government bears their share as well. The Bible shows that a powerful core Europe will develop, and a charismatic leader of German or Austrian descent, ruling over core Europe, will arise.

“Spahn’s Punch in the Face!”

Bild wrote on August 14th:

“Jens Spahn wants us to ‘hold out again until spring’. Say what?

“Talk of perseverance is the last thing we need in the current situation! The Spahn sentence is a slap in the face – for all families, schoolchildren, daycare children, entrepreneurs, restaurateurs and artists. For everyone who has ‘held out’ for a year and a half. And who now have the right to live their lives in freedom again. But no: more rigidity instead of Freedom Day in Germany!

“How can there be an atmosphere of optimism that our country so urgently needs? We have to get out of pandemic mode… No more Corona symbol politics! Finally stop with compelling even our children to wear masks and with abusive and arbitrary treatment through rules of madness!”

Spahn is a truly controversial and polarizing figure. His coronavirus policies have been appalling at times, but most Germans seem to have loved them. It seems like Bild Online is trying to wake up these Germans, but not with much success.

Catholic Church and Resistance “to the Face”

The New York Times wrote on August 12:

“To stamp out the old Latin Mass, Pope Francis is using the papacy in precisely the way that progressives once claimed to deplore: He centralizes power in Rome, usurps the local bishop’s prerogatives and institutes a micromanaging style that is motivated by paranoia of disloyalty and heresy

“I believe the practice of the new Mass forms people to a new faith: To become truly Christian, one must cease to be Christian at all. Where the new faith is practiced with a zealous spirit — as in Germany now — bishops and priests want to conform the religion’s teaching to the moral norms of the nonbelieving society around them…

“I don’t know if bishops will adopt Francis’ zeal to crush the Latin Mass. I don’t know how painful they are willing to make our religious life. If they do, they will create — or reveal — more division in the church. The old slogan of the traditional Latin Mass movement comes to mind: We resist you to the face….”

Unity within the Catholic Church seems to be elusive. The author of the article also compared the current situation with the upheaval during the Protestant Reformation.   

The Pope and the Ten Commandments

Life Site News wrote on August 18:

“‘I observe them, but not as absolutes,’ Pope Francis said of the Ten Commandments… Pope Francis made the statement in the context of how Christians live a moral life…

“This is not the first time Pope Francis has offered his own catechesis on the Ten Commandments. In November 2018, he also suggested that the Ten Commandments are not an absolute or binding on Christians.

“… on August 11, 2021,  [he] spoke again of the Ten Commandments, as well as the Mosaic Law… In his estimation, it was not only the Laws of Moses applicable to the Old Covenant, but also the Ten Commandments themselves that were part of the norms for the Israelites at the time.”

Pope Francis’ ignorance of the Bible and the Ten Commandments is mind-boggling.

Department of Justice accused of Dereliction of Duty

Newsmax wrote on August 13:

“The Department of Justice is taking heat for its dismissal of a lawsuit brought by the Trump administration last year against the University of Vermont Medical Center.

“The chairmen of the U.S. bishops’ religious liberty and pro-life committees said Thursday that the Justice Department ‘is acting in dereliction of its duty to enforce the plain meaning of federal law’ by voluntarily dismissing a lawsuit against a hospital that forced nurses to assist in elective abortions against their religious beliefs… [and] their conscientious objections….

“‘It is hard to imagine a more horrific civil rights violation than being forced to take an innocent human life,’ said Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee for Religious Liberty, and Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities…

“The Catholic bishops were not the only ones expressing outrage at the voluntary dismissal of the lawsuit. Earlier this week, 84 House Republicans sent a scathing letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra that called the dismissal a ‘profound miscarriage of justice.’… The lawmakers concluded that the DOJ’s actions ‘signal that this administration would rather allow consciences to be violated at the behest of the abortion lobby rather [than] enforce the law and protect religious liberty.’”

Religious liberty and freedom, as well as religious belief and conscientious objections, have been under attack in the USA for quite a while. But these days, especially with the arrival of COVID 19 and governmental restrictive measures to “combat” it, it’s getting worse and worse.

Mandatory Vaccine Passport for Interstate Travel?

Newsmax wrote on August 13:

“Several media outlets reported Friday that the Biden administration… has discussed requiring Americans to obtain a vaccine passport for interstate travel… Conservative lawmakers responded swiftly and loudly to even the mention of such an idea…

“… the AP story confirms that ‘more severe measures — such as mandating vaccines for interstate travel … have been discussed.’ The report adds the Biden administration is concerned that these actions ‘would be too polarizing at this time.’ As a result, a White House official said that mandating vaccines for interstate travel is ‘not under consideration at the moment.’

“The clarification from the White House did not convince conservative podcast host Liz Wheeler, who said via her Twitter account: ‘Mandating the covid vaxx for interstate travel has “been discussed”?!… This is a called a test balloon, to prepare people for when the Biden admin drops this dictate. This is OUTRAGEOUS.’”

It truly is. To even raise such an unparalleled idea in American history shows how autocratic and dictatorial the US government is willing to become.

New York’s Incredible Dictatorship

Daily Mail wrote on August 18:

“New York City business owners are suing Mayor Bill de Blasio over the city’s new ‘arbitrary and capricious’ vaccine requirements that will force them to check the vaccine status of every single indoor customer…

“De Blasio’s controversial ‘Key to NYC’ scheme officially kicked off August 17, marking the US’s first rules separating the vaccinated and the unvaccinated in day-to-day life. Cities like New Orleans and San Francisco have since followed suit with similar mandates.

“New York’s rules require staff and customers at dining, entertainment and fitness venues to have at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to enter indoor spaces…

“Restaurants have until September 13 to get up to speed with the rules, after which time they will be faced with city inspections and slapped with hefty fines if they fail to comply.

“The mandate also applies to other indoor social settings, with vaccine passports now required to enter the city’s gyms, fitness centers, indoor pools, movie theaters, music and concert venues, museums, indoor stadiums and arenas, convention centers, bowling alleys and indoor play areas.”

This is so diabolical and dictatorial! It surely brings Nazi Germany’s policies to mind.

Patients with Weak Immune System to Receive a THIRD Shot?

NBC News wrote on August 13:

“An advisory committee to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention voted Friday [unanimously] to recommend that certain patients with weakened immune systems receive an extra dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine….

“Dr. David Cohn, chief medical officer at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center [said that now] that it is clear that many of those patients have not been well protected by the vaccines,… the third dose will be a welcome boost in immunity.”

Has one ever heard such dangerous scientific nonsense and insanity before?

Jews Asked to Modify Holy Day Services

The Jerusalem Post wrote on August 17:

“Only those vaccinated with the third dose of the coronavirus vaccine, those who have recovered from the virus and those who were recently tested should be allowed to attend High Holy Day services in synagogues, the World Organization of Orthodox Communities and Synagogues recommended… All other worshipers should pray in services in open areas…

“The organization also stressed the importance of wearing masks throughout the entire service, keeping distance between worshippers and avoiding kissing the Torah scroll or shaking hands. The organization also recommended that sites be set up for outdoor prayer services near synagogues with adequate seating and protection from the sun, adding that prayer services should begin early and be shortened as much as possible…

“Rosh Hashana begins this year on Monday, September 6, in the evening. Yom Kippur takes place this year on the evening of September 15. Last year, Israel was under lockdown for the High Holy Days, with strict restrictions regulating the size of prayer services. Officials have expressed concerns that if infection rates continue to rise or a new variant enters Israel, Israel could be in lockdown for the holidays again this year…”

Are they making a mockery of God and His Holy Days? Now, the Pope said that getting vaccinated is an act of love. Incredible! No wonder God is so ANGRY with the religious leadership and establishment of

“Christians” and “Jews” around the world.

Canada’s Vaccination Passport for International Travel

Global News wrote on August 11:

“Canada is getting a vaccine passport for international travel, Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino announced on Wednesday. The vaccine certificate will be common across all provinces, and will include the holder’s COVID-19 vaccination history, the date they got it, the type of jab they received and the location where they received their shot. It will be available to all citizens, permanent residents, and temporary residents living in Canada who are fully vaccinated.

“As for a timeline, the passport will be ready to go ‘early this fall’ … In the meantime, the government will have to gather all the vaccination data from each province and territory in order to plug it into their new passport system and get it ready to go… the passport is being crafted with international travel in mind…”

Under Satan’s influence, more and more countries are trying to prevent its citizens from traveling to keep God’s annual Holy Days. For instance, parts of Australia are under complete lockdown again, and Germany is refusing entry to anyone arriving from certain designated countries.

Supreme Court Won’t Block Vaccination Mandate

The Washington Post wrote on August 13:

“Justice Amy Coney Barrett on Thursday rejected a plea from a group of Indiana University students [Klaassen v. Trustees of Indiana University] to stop the university’s requirement that all students be vaccinated against the coronavirus. Barrett, who received the request because she is the Supreme Court justice tasked with emergency petitions from that region of the country, did not give a reason. It appears she made the decision on her own, as she did not mention referring the matter to the other justices.

“It was the first case about vaccination requirements to reach the Supreme Court. Both a federal district judge and a unanimous panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit had previously rejected the request that the university’s requirement be put on hold while the issue was further litigated…

“The university in May required all faculty, students and staff to be vaccinated unless they applied and qualified for an exemption, such as a religious objection or a medical reason for not receiving the vaccine… the school announced it would require all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to wear masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status. According to the school’s policy, those who receive a religious or medical exemption must wear masks in public spaces and be regularly tested…

“In their filing to the Supreme Court, the students claimed a constitutional violation [by being coerced] to give up their rights to bodily integrity, autonomy, and of medical treatment choice in exchange… They contended the vaccine could be more dangerous to them than the virus… ‘The known and unknown risks associated with COVID vaccines, particularly in those under 30, outweigh the risks to that population from the disease itself.’…

“The lower courts relied on a Supreme Court precedent from 1905. In Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the court backed a government requirement that people get vaccinated against smallpox or pay a fine….”

Another typically political and cowardly decision by the US Supreme Court. But it shows again the deeply troubling movement towards American dictatorship.

Animal Abuse

The New York Post wrote on August 12:

“Animal rights groups are outraged at Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases after reports emerged it spent $400,000 on research to infect beagles with disease-causing parasites… The beagles were reportedly allowed to develop infections for three months before they were then euthanized so their blood could be collected…

“PETA’s vice president Kathy Guillermo [said:] ‘[The National Institutes of Health’s director Francis Collins, who oversees Fauci] is spending billions of dollars on studies that include infecting and cutting up dogs, frightening monkeys, and addicting mice to cocaine that don’t lead to cures or vaccines while humans die from Alzheimer’s, HIV, cancer, multiple sclerosis, ALS, and other deadly ailments.’”

The Daily Caller wrote on August 4:

“Members of Congress earlier this year called for increased transparency on Food and Drug Administration (FDA) animal testing after WCW revealed that around 20,000 dogs per year are used in FDA experiments, many of which scientists say are unnecessary and harmful to the animals involved.”

This is so SICK! It shows how perverted and corrupt human nature is.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

These Current Events are compiled and commented on by Norbert Link. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions of news articles from our readership. The publication of articles in this section is not to be viewed as an endorsement or approval as to contents or accuracy of the selected articles, but they are published for the purpose of pointing at worldwide developments in the light of biblical end-time prophecy and godly instruction. Our own comments are provided in italics.

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