Our Unique Talents

Each one of us is blessed with unique talents which God has given us to use.  There are examples in the Bible of individuals who had specific talents for God’s purpose.

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God’s Message to Laodicea

In what way is God’s letter to His Church in Laodicea a strong warning for us today, especially in light of the coronavirus? Are the oftentimes totalitarian measures to combat the virus a preview of the manifestation of the beast? In this sermon, we will also discuss questions such as: What is meant with a lukewarm attitude? Did Christ have a beginning?  Who was Melchizedek? Why won’t God protect many Laodiceans during the Great Tribulation? Why does God warn especially Laodiceans not to fight in war?

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Why Do Righteous People Suffer?

The main purpose of this sermon is not to explain that suffering can be the consequence of sin. Rather, it will be shown that and why righteous people must suffer… independently from sinful conduct. This might sound as a paradox at first sight, but it is not. Instead, we hope that this sermon will give you much encouragement and motivation.

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When, How and About What Should We Be Angry?

Is there righteous anger which Christians should and must have? In this sermon, we will look at examples of righteous men who became angry, and they had godly reasons for that. We will see that even Christ became angry, and why this was the case.

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Challenges of Humility

If we want to be in the Kingdom of God, we must have a spirit of humility.  What are some of the challenges we face in being humble?

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Christ’s Praise and Rebuke

In Revelation 2 and 3, Christ addresses seven local churches, seven Church eras, and every Christian throughout the ages. What are some of Christ’s statements of rebuke, praise and admonition which speak to us individually, and which all of us should take to heart?

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Longsuffering for Righteousness Sake

Why do we suffer? Is it necessary for our eternal salvation? God has long-suffering for us just as we do for Him as we eagerly wait for Christ’s return. How do we live a life pleasing God and what does He promise us in return?

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Are You Ready?

Are we physically and spiritually prepared for the Fall Holy Days as this time pictures what the future will be like when Christ returns to establish His Kingdom here on this earth.  We need to be ready with patience as we are being trained now, through the understanding that God has given us, so we can reach perfection.


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Do You Stand Firm in God’s Truth?

Why do some resist the truth and walk away from it? Could a lack of faith, sinful conduct, anxious thoughts, the pleasures of this world, bitterness, or false priorities be decisive reasons as to why some do not understand the truth, and why others do not understand it anymore?

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