When Will Russia Attack Israel?

Pat Robertson stated in an interview with Newsmax that, according to Ezekiel 38, a coalition of nations such as Russia and Iran will rise up against Israel in a final battle. But what DOES Ezekiel 38 prophesy? Who are those nations listed there which will try to war against “Israel”? When will this attack take place, and who, precisely, is “Israel”? Don’t be too sure that you know the answers!

Summary Terms:

Middle East Turkey Sudan Millennium sword gathered mountains safely gates bars USA Great Britain Canada New Zealand Australia house Judah Gentiles Gog Magog Rosh Meshech Tubal Persia Ethiopia Libya China Moscow Tobolsk India Sri Lanka Pakistan Bangladesh Mongolia Siberia Eurasia Shiva Ramah Europe EU Promised Land desolate slavery captivity Jesus Christ return great tribulation nuclear holocaust shortened fight peace iniquity obedience

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Bible Prophecy in the News

While the focus on Egypt is continuing, other important events are occurring in Iran, the USA and Europe. All of these prophesied developments, taken together, signal the imminent return of Jesus Christ.
Summary Terms:
START Britain nuclear capacity sensitive Russia missile defense Merkel Sarkozy Eurozone economy bailout Van Rompuy NYSE merger Deutsche Boerse Haaretz Spiegel Wall Street Journal Telegraph missile Strait Hormuz Persian Gulf fusion reactor

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Europe’s Rise and Obama’s Fall

Due to Greece’s problems, some suggest that the euro will be abandoned. However, the euro is here to stay. Germany is emerging as Europe’s leader, “calling the shots.” Germany has become the world’s third largest weapons dealer. While Europe is gaining power, Obama’s America is losing all support. German papers wrote: “The American president doesn’t have a single ally among European heads of state.” “Obama continues to stand alone on the world stage, seemingly without a goal… The Palestinians no longer trust him, and the Israelis don’t take him seriously.”

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Are we watching world conditions? Why? So that we just know more than others? Or is there a deeper purpose involved? Why do we study Biblical prophecy? Just so that we gain intellectual knowledge? Why do we keep the weekly and annual Sabbaths; and why do we attend the Feast of Tabernacles–if we do? Just because of social reasons, or because of feelings of guilt if we don’t? Are we watching our own spiritual condition? Do we understand that the time of Jesus Christ’s return is drawing near? Are we getting ready for His return? Are we involved in the Work of the Church to preach the gospel? Or have we become deceived to think that the Work is over and all we need to do is to “make it into the kingdom”? Do we approach our call to salvation in just a selfish manner? Are we willing to make sacrifices for the good of others? Are we watching?

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