God’s Spirit of Mercy

In this world, we do not find much mercy. Rather, we see a lack of love; a thirst for revenge; and unmerciful conduct. But God shows us that we must be merciful in order to obtain His mercy. In many cases, self-righteousness prevents people from being merciful, as they may think that they are so much better than others; that they could never do what others have done; and that it is therefore necessary to dig up what has been buried. Such an attitude will never give us inward peace.

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The Deceitfulness of Sin

How and in what way does sin deceive us? Why is the way of sin a way of error and of fraud? How can people and Satan deceive us and lead us into error? Why is sin compared with leaven, and why are we to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, the Herodians, and the Sadducees? Can we, on our own, overcome sin?

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Why the Footwashing Ceremony at Passover?

Baptized Members of the Church of God partake each year at Passover evening of the symbols of bread and wine, but they also participate in the footwashing ceremony. Why did Christ introduce the footwashing ceremony, and what does it mean for us today? How do we understand Christ’s statements in response to Peter’s initial refusal to accept Christ’s washing of his feet? And is there a relationship between the correct baptism, which only occurs once in a lifetime of a converted person, and the footwashing ceremony which is being observed annually?

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Why Do Righteous People Suffer?

The main purpose of this sermon is not to explain that suffering can be the consequence of sin. Rather, it will be shown that and why righteous people must suffer… independently from sinful conduct. This might sound as a paradox at first sight, but it is not. Instead, we hope that this sermon will give you much encouragement and motivation.

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The Failure of Righteous Kings of Judah – Part 2

In this second part of this three-part series, we will be discussing additional righteous kings of Judah, including Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah and Hezekiah, as they are featured in 2. Chronicles. In each case, these kings committed serious infractions at the end of their lives, and when they were admonished, they reacted with pride, rejection and even wrath. Do we sometimes react in similar ways?

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Challenges of Humility

If we want to be in the Kingdom of God, we must have a spirit of humility.  What are some of the challenges we face in being humble?

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You Shall (Not) Desire, Part 2

As the last sermon showed, we are prohibited to have wrong and evil desires. On the other hand, the Bible COMMANDS us to have right desires. But what exactly is it that we should or even must desire, in order to obtain eternal life in the Kingdom of God?

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Strength in Unity

When we are faced with trials, how do we respond, how do we react? Do we neglect the power of prayer when we go through difficult times?  Are we strong enough?  Is there a purpose for the trials we may be going through?  We must understand that we are not alone, as we ALL struggle at times,  which is why it is important to pray for one another, and if we put our problems into God’s hands, anything is possible.

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Why Did King Saul Fail?

Following Israel’s demand for a king to fight their battles, God instructed the judge and prophet Samuel to anoint Saul as their king. Saul received God’s Holy Spirit, but he failed miserably. Why? In this sermon we will show you numerous examples of Saul’s misconduct leading to his downfall. They must serve as a warning for us. If we repeat King Saul’s mistakes, we might be likewise at risk of falling away from God.

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Christ’s Parables in the Book of Luke

Less than two months ago, we discussed many of the parables in the Book of Matthew. In this sermon, we will address those parables in the book of Luke, which are not addressed in the book of Matthew. They include, among many others, the parable of the good Samaritan; the rich fool; the great supper; the lost son, the unjust steward; the Pharisee and the tax collector; the minas; and of course the mostly misunderstood parable of Lazarus and the rich man.

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