Your Future Life

The truth of God’s word does reveal the future for all of mankind – even in terms of eternity.  We can know and anticipate this future based on the promises God has given to those who obey Him!

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Life After Death

Most professing Christians believe that a person who dies will immediately go to heaven or hell or purgatory. But the Bible teaches us about the resurrections from the dead. The Old Testament reveals that God will bring the dead back to life, but that this does not mean that all will be resurrected at the same time, or to the same condition. The New Testament confirms that there will be more than just one resurrection. This sermon explains why.

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Holy Putin?

A strange title, but why? Do Russians really think Putin is a saint and worthy of worship? What is Vladimir Putin up to? What is behind his announcement to create a Eurasian Union in 2012? What about the increasing military cooperation between China and Russia? How will Europe react? What does the Bible say about all of this?

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Premature Euphoria of Libyan Rebels

It would be a mistake to celebrate the apparent victory of the rebels in Libya. Western commentators compare the current situation with anarchy and chaos. They are fearful that Islamists will come to power in the deeply divided nation. The future of Libya looks uncertain and frightening. The Bible has much to say about Libya, but none of it is good news for Western democracies.

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Could Jesus Return Tonight?

A strong minority of Americans believes that we are living in the End Times, while 52 percent disagree. Some believe and teach that Jesus could come back tonight, while others say that He won’t return at all. What does the Bible tell us?

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The Future of Libya

Why are we fighting against Libya? What do we hope to achieve? Who should lead? The USA does not want to, but it does not like France to lead, either. The Arab world and Turkey are opposed to air strikes; Germany won’t participate at all; NATO is taking a confusing position; and France’s role is becoming more and more problematic. In light of this confusion, what does the Bible say about the role that Libya will play in the not-too-distant future?

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Meaning of the Last Great Day

Death is man’s greatest enemy. Death must be conquered. God says that He did destroy it for us. He offers us the gift of eternal life. But how? Most people don’t know. Do you know? And further, Peter said that we can only be saved if we believe in and obey Jesus Christ. But what happens to those who die without having accepted Jesus Christ in their lives? Are they lost forever? Are they burning in purgatory or hell fire? Most people don’t know. Do you know?
The Meaning of the Last Great Day gives the answers. And God’s truth is so much more comprehensive, astonishing, revealing and comforting than most realize.

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The Watchers

Events of our future are already looming darkly on our horizon. Can we see, that is, are we watching for, what is ahead through the prophecies of God’s word? Who is ready for what is coming upon our world? Jesus Christ warns us of our time–the prophesied end of this age, and He explicitly and with all gravity tell us to watch and to be ready!

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