Preaching the Gospel and Feeding the Flock

Norbert and Johanna Link returned this week from a very successful visit with brethren and prospective members in Germany. Mr. Link will be giving details of their trip during Sabbath Services on April 6, 2013. You are welcome to join us for the live audio broadcast over the Internet:

Mr. Link recorded five sermons while in Germany. Two have been posted. The first one is titled, “Die Doktrin des Händeauflegens.” This sermon addresses the topic of the laying on of hands and explains the purpose for and different biblical examples of laying on of hands.

The second sermon is titled “Hoffnung und Trost im Leiden” (“Hope and Comfort in Suffering”). It discusses Psalm 22 and its relevance for us today.

We are pleased to announce the baptism of Barbara Jones of Salyer, California. While attending services in Woodburn, Oregon, our minister visiting from Canada, Mr. Rene Messier, conducted the baptism.

The yearly conference of the Church of the Eternal God, Global Church of God (Great Britain) and Church of God a Christian Fellowship (Canada) will be conducted starting April 12 and continuing through April 16. Meetings and activities will be held in Fort Collins, Colorado.

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