America, Britain and Israel Under Attack
A mighty foreign power will attack the USA, Great Britain and the state of Israel at approximately the same time. And none of those nations will be prepared for that attack, which is partially due to the fact that they will be occupied with fighting inside, or that they will not be ready militarily to even think of a defense. This program shows the frightening state of affairs in the USA, Great Britain and the state of Israel.
Download AudioThe Overlooked Story of the Holocaust
On January 27, 2023, the world remembered the Holocaust which started in 1933—90 years ago. But much about the Holocaust has been conveniently ignored or forgotten, which goes hand in hand with rampant Antisemitism, especially in Europe… with terrible consequences for the future, as the Bible clearly reveals.
Download AudioIs Nuclear War Between Russia and Germany Imminent?
In Germany, there is grave concern that a nuclear war with Russia will break out soon—especially in light of the planned delivery of German Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine. How justified are these concerns, and what does the Bible say about it?
Download AudioGermany’s “Recalcitrant” Policy With America’s “Acceptance”
What is the real reason for Germany’s recalcitrance to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine and allow allies to hand theirs over to Ukraine? And why is America’s strategy in Ukraine failing? Articles in Politico and the Asia Times paint a less than flattering picture, but they are almost prophetic.
Download AudioThe Bible Prophesies: The Third Temple Will Be Built!
The Bible is very clear that just prior to Christ’s return, a third Temple will be built on the Temple Mount, and that animal sacrifices will be given there. In the light of that understanding, notice citations from many recent articles in the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and several Israeli papers, as well as quotations from the Bible, which shed light on that fact.
Download AudioIs There Prophetic Meaning to the Death of Pope Benedict?
Former Pope Benedict XVI (95) died on December 31, 2022. He became the first pope to resign since Gregory XII in 1415 and he was the first German pope in 1,000 years. The Wall Street Journal wrote that “his death, after a decade in retirement, has ended an extraordinary arrangement” with Pope Francis and that Francis “might feel freer to act”, as Pope Emeritus Benedict has been described as a restraining influence on Pope Francis. Others proclaim and “prophecy” that Pope Francis will also resign soon, and another pope will take his place. What does it all mean?
Download AudioEurope Against Ukraine and Israel
Presently, Europe, and especially Germany, are a mess, but don’t let that fool you. Europe’s real attitude towards Ukraine and the state of Israel are telling, and it will get much worse and dangerous, when decisive leadership will take over the continent.
Download AudioThe Omnibus Bill—An Insane Way to Run the Country
In this program, we address the omnibus bill as an example for the “insane way” of Congress to run the nation; recite a new and up-to-date version of an old Christmas poem; and end with a sincere blessing for all of our viewers.
Download AudioAmerica’s Future Grim and Hopeless
A powerful enemy will attack America soon. Most have no idea that this will be happening, and who that enemy is. At the same time, most Americans have lost confidence in their military, and they have virtually no confidence that God will fight their battles.
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